Seven Ecommerce Website Design Tips You Need To Learn Now

Rapid Retek

Jun 16, 2020

So you want to make an Ecommerce Website, there are many ways to go about this. But there are basic proponents to website design for ecommerce sites that you should follow.

1. Simplicity is key

2. Visuals (Images, video, graphics) play a key role.

3. Mobile First

4. Simplify the checkout.

5. Colors are not just part of the brand but also the user experience.

6. Let the customers validate your product and experience

7. Always offer help on your site to your customers (FAQ, Chat) .

“Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries”

It is not necessary to make a large investment to get an e-commerce website up and running, but stay on top of developments by keeping an eye on your progress and conducting surveys that will help you learn from your customers how to make your website better.

Published On: January 19th, 2016 / Categories: Design, Digital Marketing, Technology / Tags: , /

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