Content Delivery Networks Image Optimization

Rapid Retek

Jun 16, 2020

Image content delivery networks (CDNs) are excellent at optimizing images. Switching to an image CDN can yield a 40–80% savings in image file size.

“An image CDN is a regular content delivery network topped with a set of software enhancements to enhance the underlying CDNs functionality”

Why Use a CDN for Images? Here Are 7 Reasons

  1. Better load times
  2. Better Security
  3. Protection from DDoS
  4. Better Ranking
  5. Increased Conversions
  6. Less Cost
  7. Reliable

What is an image CDN?

Content Delivery Networks are typically composed of the front-end  the content that visitors can access  and the backend, which includes the database and API.

It can speed up your website by caching, so requests won’t have to reach your own server in order to receive a proper response. When your website is down, the CDN can continue to handle requests with a quick response.

An image CDN also provides image conversion for multiple browsers, image types, image sizes. All automated without you having to upload all the different formats initially.

Published On: January 19th, 2016 / Categories: Creative, News / Tags: , /

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